Tearfund Deutschland e.V.

Müllerstraße 61a
D-13349 Berlin

T +49(0)30 555 78 335 0
F +49(0)30 555 78 335 9

E: info(at)tearfund.de

Privacy Policy

At Tearfund Germany, protection of your personal data is a high priority for us.
The use of the Tearfund Germany e. V. website is possible without any collection of personal data. If the processing of personal data (such as name, address and contact details) is necessary and there is no legal basis for such processing, we will obtain consent before doing so. Additionally, we will not share this data with third parties without explicit consent.

As the controller, Tearfund Germanye. V. has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based Data Transmissions (e.g. communication via e-mail) may have security gaps, so absolute protection is not guaranteed.

1. Cookies

The webpages of Tearfund Germany e. V. use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser. By using cookies, Tearfund Germany e. V. can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services.

Most of the cookies used by us are session cookies. They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit to our website. Other cookies will be stored on your electronic device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognize your browser at your next visit and make it easier for users to utilize our website.

You may, at any time, prevent the storage of cookies on your machine using the appropriate settings on your local browser, and thus preventing the creation of any additional cookies. Furthermore, already stored cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. If you deactivate the setting of cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable.

2. Contact Form

Our website offers the option to contact us via a contact form. Your personal data transmitted will be automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by you are stored at Tearfund Germany solely for the purpose of answering your message or processing your request. We will not transfer of this personal data to third parties without your consent.

3. Donations

On our website, we offer users the possibility to donate online. If a user takes advantage of this possibility, the data entered into the associated form will be transmitted to us and stored.
The form used is provided by the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG (“BfS”). The data entered is passed directly to BfS as well as the technical service providers used by the BfS to provide the form for executing the donation order via an encrypted SSL connection. This data is not transferred to other third parties. The following data is collected with the form:

• full name (last name, first name) with salutation (optional title and company name);
• address (street, house number, city, postal code, country); e-mail address; bank data (IBAN);
• donation data (donation recipient, amount, donation / purpose, donation receipt desired)
• optional: subscription to our newsletter (see 4. Newsletter)
If a donation receipt is required, we process the data in order to issue and send a corresponding donation receipt. Additionally, you may receive a thank you note in the year of your donation as well as reports on how your donations were used.
The data collected is necessary for the execution and implementation of the donation. The user’s e-mail address is required to confirm receipt of the donation. The data will not be used for any other purpose. The legal basis for processing the data is Article 6, Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

When the data for the form is submitted, the user’s IP address is also stored. We use the IP address to prevent misuse of the donation form. The IP address is used for the purpose of fraud prevention and to prevent unauthorised transactions to the detriment of third parties. The legal basis for processing the IP address is Article 6, Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose it was collected. For bank data, this is the case immediately after collection of the donation amount. The address data is stored after the creation and sending of a donation receipt and the same with all other data entered in the context of tax retention obligations, but locked for use for any other reason. The additional IP address collected during the sending process will be deleted at the latest after a period of seven days.

The user can object to the processing of the data at any time. However, it should be noted that in the event of an objection, the donation order cannot be carried out as desired.

4. Newsletter

If you would like to receive our newsletter, we need your e-mail address and name. The personal data collected as part of a registration for the newsletter will only be used to send our newsletter.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address in the double opt-in procedure to complete the registration. This confirmation e-mail is used to prove whether you as the owner of the e-mail address wish to receive the newsletter.

If you sign up for the newsletter by checking the respective box in our donation form (see 3. Donations) or via the contact form, your name and e-mail address will be entered into the form by us manually. You will therefore receive the confirmation e-mail with the respective delay, the double opt-in procedure will also apply in this case.

Your consent for the storage and use of your data can be revoked at any time, e.g. via the “unsubscribe”-link in the newsletter.

We do not track any further information, neither the opening of the newsletter nor any further information like clicking on links or statistical data.

We send out our newsletter via “MailChimp”, a service of Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. During the registration for the newsletter, MailChimp temporarily stores the IP address, as well as the date and time of the registration. The collection of this data is necessary in order to understand the (possible) misuse of the e-mail address at a later date.

MailChimp is a signatory to the US-EU data protection “Privacy Shield” framework and TFDE signed a data processing agreement with MailChimp.

More information about the MailChimp Privacy Policy

5. Social Media and YouTube

On this website, with the exception of embedded YouTube videos we do not use any direct plug-ins or share buttons of social media networks.

To enable sharing of website content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we use “Social Media buttons with data protection” via Shariff plug-in. The social media buttons are only graphics containing links to the respective websites, and no data will be passed on to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram unless the buttons are clicked. (For information on the processing of your data by the social networks please see the terms of use by the respective provider).

If you are logged in on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or other social networks during your visit of our website, the social media provider detects with every call-up to our website —and for the entire duration of your stay on our site—which specific sub-site of our Internet page you visited. This information is associated with your respective social media account. As provider of this website we are not aware of the content of transmitted data and how it is processed by your social media provider. You may prevent this transmission of data by logging off from your respective social media account before visiting our website.


On this website, we have integrated components of YouTube. The operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, UNITED STATES. The YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc. If you visit one of the pages of this Internet site and on which a YouTube video is integrated, your browser is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding YouTube component. During the course of this technical procedure, YouTube and Google gain knowledge of what specific sub-page of our website you visited.

If you are logged in on YouTube, this information will be collected and assigned to your YouTube account. You may prevent this transmission of data by logging off from your Youtube account before visiting our website.

For more information on YouTube’s data protection provisions and the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google, go to https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/.

6. Statistics, Google Analytics, Adwords and Tag Manager

On this website, the controller has integrated the component of Google Analytics with the anonymizer function. When visiting our website, a log-file is created collecting information such as date and time of visit, browser and the website by which our visitors were referred to our internet presence. This data is only used for statistical purposes and to improve our internet presence.

IP addresses are anonymized so this information cannot be associated with individual visitors.

The operator of the Google Analytics component is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze the use of our website. The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which the access was made, and the frequency of your visits of our website. With each visit to our Internet site, such personal data will be transmitted to and stored by Google in the United States of America.

IP Anonymization

On this website we have activated the IP anonymizer function for Google Analytics. Your IP address is abridged by Google and anonymised when accessing our websites from a Member State of the European Union or another Contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before being transmitted to the U.S. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server within the U.S. and be shortened there.
The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyze the traffic on our website. Google uses the collected data and information, inter alia, to evaluate the use of our website and to provide us online reports, which show the activities on our websites, and to provide other services concerning the use of our Internet site for us. The IP address collected by Google Analytics will not be linked to other data collected by Google.

Browser Add-on

You may, as stated above, prevent the setting of cookies through our website at any time by means of a setting in the web browser used and thus permanently deny the creation and storage of cookies. If you deactivate cookies, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable. In addition, you may prevent the collection and processing of data generated by Google Analytics by downloading a browser add-on under the link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout and installing it.

Objection to the Collection of Data

You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. This will place an opt-out cookie which will prevent the collection of your data during future visits to our website. Click here to opt-out.

Find more information on the processing of user data at Google Analytics.

Google AdWords – Conversion Tracking

We are using Google AdWords to promote our website on the internet. If you reach our website via a Google ad, a conversion cookie is filed through Google. A conversion cookie loses its validity after 30 days and is not used to identify the data subject.
You may prevent the setting of cookies by our website, by means of a corresponding setting in the web browser used and thus permanently deny the creation and storage of cookies by the domain googleadservices.com.

Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag manager is a tool to foster and simplify the coding necessary to use and interpret Google Analytics. The Google Tag manager does neither create cookies nor collect personal data. Further information on the Google Tag manager can be found on: http://www.google.de/tagmanager/use-policy.html

To deactivate Google Tag manager it is sufficient to deactivate Google Analytics. Click here to opt out.

Detailed information about Google’s privacy policy: http://www.google.de/policies/privacy/  

7. Legitimate Interests

If the processing of personal data is pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO, our legitimate interest is to carry out our organisational activities for the welfare of all our employees and supporters.

8. SSL-Encryption

For secure transmission of sensitive data, we use SSL encryption. This protects data such as enquiries you are sending to us via the contact form from interception by third parties. You can recognize this from the https:// and the lock icon in your browser line.

8. Right of Access, Rectification and Erasure

You have the right to contact us at any time to obtain free information about your personal data stored with us and a copy of this information, including the origin, recipients and purposes of the processing. You furthermore have the right to have inaccurate or incomplete personal data rectified or completed, and to request the erasure or restriction of processing of your personal data, as long as the processing and storage are not legally required.
For this purpose and for further enquiries regarding personal data, please contact our data protection focal point at dataprotection@tearfund.de.

The base for this Privacy Policy are the Privacy Policy Generators of the e-recht24.de and External Data Protection Officers that was developed in cooperation with RC GmbH, which sells used notebooks and the Media Law Lawyers from WBS-LAW.