Tearfund Germany is a charitable organization

As a charitable organization, we advocate for a life without poverty and injustice.

Charitable Organization - you become a Sponsor

Become a sponsor and support us!

Become a sponsor in Yemen or Somaliland. Through your help we can help people in a very targeted way. People are happy about any support.

What does a charitable organization organization do during a drought?

Drought in modern times

What is so bad about a drought and how do we work together with the local people to find solutions? Is there even a chance?

Walking for Water fundraiser

How important is water to you? Are you willing to carry a water canister for 6 km? Challenge yourself and take part in our fundraiser!

What we do

Tearfund is a Christian charitable organization working with local Christian partners and churches in over 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We fight extreme poverty by promoting sustainable development, providing emergency aid, and challenging injustice.

Where your money goes?

We are committed to handling the donations entrusted to us responsibly so that they have the greatest impact for people living in poverty. The independent DZI donation seal confirms that your donation safely reaches our projects.

82 %

goes to the projects

14 %

are administrative costs

4 %

is reinvested

About us

Find out who we are, what vision drives us, what values shape us, and get to know the people behind Tearfund.

Charitable Organization - countries


We work in countries where the need is greatest. Learn more about our projects in the middle east and africa.

About us

Who are we? Where are we from? Who are our partners? And what do we look like? Click here if you are interested.

Charitable Organization - get involved

Get involved

We are thankful for your support. Whether in prayer, in the community, or a fundraiser. Become an ambassador!

Charitable Organization - Become a Sponsor

Become a sponsor

With a project sponsorship you support a project of Tearfund Germany that helps people to improve their life situation in a sustainable way.

Charitable Organization - Donation


Through your donation, you can make a big difference and help people out of poverty and injustice. We already say thank you and bless you for your support.

What others say about our charitable organization

“I’m excited about Tearfund Germany because they don’t just dream about change, they actively support people in need. They do this in a very practical way with many ingenious projects that I can easily participate in. The “boundless love” spurs me on to be part of this change. At the same time, I myself am changed and sensitised to live this change in my everyday life.”

“The things that I take for granted as a basic necessity of life are at most a dream in other places. Tearfund Germany provides sustainable aid in an authentic way in Yemen, Pakistan, Somaliland, and elsewhere. As an ambassador for Tearfund Germany, I call on you to become part of the team: share your money, get informed, enlist a team member to help you, and find out more about the heartbeat of God that the Tearfund team around the world follow and that you can follow, too.”

“The values of prayer, genuine relationships, and living charity are visible both internally and externally at Tearfund Germany. I am touched time and again by the fact that words and deeds match here. I thank Tearfund Germany from the bottom of my heart for the dedicated and professional way it works – especially in regions that otherwise receive little attention and support.”

“Tearfund Germany helps exactly where help is needed most – in the middle of crisis areas and disasters globally. Partnership, sustainability, transparency and respect are central values and lived realities of this Christian aid organization. I am grateful to have been able to know this wonderful work and many of its staff for many years and wish God’s blessing for all missions from the bottom of my heart.”

Roland Werner Testimonial

“The things that I take for granted as a basic necessity of life are at most a dream in other places. Tearfund Germany provides sustainable aid in an authentic way in Yemen, Pakistan, Somaliland, and elsewhere. As an ambassador for Tearfund Germany, I call on you to become part of the team: share your money, get informed, enlist a team member to help you, and find out more about the heartbeat of God that the Tearfund team around the world follow and that you can follow, too.”

“I’m excited about Tearfund Germany because they don’t just dream about change, they actively support people in need. They do this in a very practical way with many ingenious projects that I can easily participate in. The “boundless love” spurs me on to be part of this change. At the same time, I myself am changed and sensitised to live this change in my everyday life.”

“Tearfund Germany helps exactly where help is needed most – in the middle of crisis areas and disasters globally. Partnership, sustainability, transparency and respect are central values and lived realities of this Christian aid organization. I am grateful to have been able to know this wonderful work and many of its staff for many years and wish God’s blessing for all missions from the bottom of my heart.”

Roland Werner Testimonial

“The values of prayer, genuine relationships, and living charity are visible both internally and externally at Tearfund Germany. I am touched time and again by the fact that words and deeds match here. I thank Tearfund Germany from the bottom of my heart for the dedicated and professional way it works – especially in regions that otherwise receive little attention and support.”

1 in 10 live in extreme poverty. Help to change that. As a Christian charitable organization, we are committed to finding solutions.

Annual Report 2023

The 2023 Annual Report provides an overview of our Christian charitable organization and country projects.

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